Our Products

The agricultural products that society is focused on in their production and sale are divided into four categories:

A. Fruits

The following presentation provides the actual condition after physical verification and inventory of plants.

CultureUnitTotal number

Other fruits that the society produces are melon and watermelon in the field and greenhouses.

B. Vegetables

  1. Cucumber Culture
  2. Tomatoes Culture
  3. Pepper Culture
  4. Eggplant Culture
  5. Salad Culture
  6. Cabbage Culture
  7. Spinach Culture
  8. Herb of various varieties (parsley, dill ect)
  9. Green onions Culture
  10. Rukola, Pazi, Cauliflower ect.

C. Cereals

  1. Wheat and its byproducts like straw
  2. Corn and its byproductsi like straw
  3. Alfalfa Culture

Contact us :

Address : Str. Vore-Fushe Kruje,Arrameras, perballe Nord Park
Telephone: +355 56330100 / +355 0689018895

Fax: +355 56330100